What domains do I need to permit?

If you are using an aggressive filtering technology, you may need to allow connection to the following domains

If you are using an aggressive filtering technology, you may need to permit access to the following domains:

  • https://edu.digitaltheatreplus.com - this is our website host
  • https://media.digitaltheatreplus.com - this service issues DRM licences to allow video playback
  • https://lic.drmtoday.com - this service issues DRM licences to allow video playback
  • https://analytics.digitaltheatreplus.com - this is our privately-hosted analytics service
  • https://images.ctfassets.net - this part of our Content Management System provider platform, which provides images for the site
  • https://assets.ctfassets.net - this is part of our Content Management System provider platform, which provides large file downloads (such as PDFs) for the site
  • https://downloads.ctfassets.net - this is part of our Content Management System provider platform, which provides large file downloads (such as PDFs) for the site
  • https://cdn.contentful.com - this is part of our Content Management System provider platform, which provides content for the site
  • https://graphql.contentful.com- this is part of our Content Management System provider platform, which provides content for the site
  • https://d10eeigq6mvk6z.cloudfront.net - this is part of our Video Distribution System provider platform (AWS), which provides video streaming for the site
  • https://auth.pdfjs.express/ - this performs a licensing check to allow PDFs to be viewed
  • https://search.digitaltheatreplus.com - this provides our search API to allow you to search for content
  • https://counter.digitaltheatreplus.com - this provides COUNTER 5 usage reporting
  • https://api.digitaltheatreplus.com - this provides APIs that allow functionality to work
  • https://auth.digitaltheatreplus.com - provides the authentication services for Username & Password and SAML based logins
  • https://ok11static.oktacdn.com - this provides static assets that style our authentication pages
  • https://login.okta.com - this provides a static library that performs SSO discovery (inspecting the email address entered in the login form and determining whether the user should be redirected to sign in via their own Identity Provider)

Additional domains

The following domains are not part of the Digital Theatre+ product, however they are used to support customers, and may be useful to add to allow lists.

  • https://welcome.digitaltheatreplus.com
  • https://support.digitaltheatreplus.com (this website)