How do I use the Study Units feature?

This user guide explains how to find, navigate and use the Study Units feature to find all the content you need to plan your lessons quickly and easily.


Key Features

Navigating to Study Units

Resources within Study Units & Learning Pathways

Bookmarking and Sharing

Key Features

Starting with 100 Study Units, our ever-expanding Study Units collection includes the following key features:

  • The exact chapters, activities, exercises, and graphic organisers you need 
  • Relevant clips taken from productions, interviews, and more
  • Learning Pathways - a scaffolded approach including “Getting Started”, “Building on the Basics” and “Deep Dive”
  • Share functionality
  • Bookmark functionality (both the Study Unit and resources therein)
  • A variety of versatile, easy-to-use educational resources

Navigating to Study Units 

Using the Education Navigation bar, click on a level and subject (e.g. Middle School ELA), and you’ll be redirected to the Study Unit menu page, where you’ll find the list of all relevant Study Units for your selected level and subject.

As of May 2024, this feature has been launched as a first release for users in the United States only. If you are not in the United States, you will not yet see the above options in the Education Navigation bar.

Please see this article for information on planned developments of this feature.

The Study Unit menu page is organised in alphabetical order and contains all the Study Units currently available for your selected level and subject. There will be more available under the other levels and subjects.

The Study Units are grouped by similar Topics which, again, will vary depending on the level and subject you have selected.


From the Study Unit menu page, select one of the Study Unit title cards, and you’ll be redirected to the page for that Study Unit, where you’ll find a wealth of resources and materials curated around that Study Unit’s topic.

Resources within Study Units & Learning Pathways

Within the header of the Study Unit page, you’ll find information around what the Study Unit contains and how long it would take to teach this Study Unit in its entirety.

A chaptering list on the left-hand side allows you to navigate through the Study Unit’s Learning Pathways and the types of resources within those Learning Pathways. Our three Learning Pathways can be summarised as follows:

  • "Getting Started" pathway providing an introduction to the fundamental concepts and skills needed to effectively engage with the subject matter.
  • "Building on the Basics" pathway expanding on the foundational concepts introduced within "Getting Started" and offering materials that reinforce understanding, sharpen skills and delve into more nuanced aspects of the topic.
  • "Deep Dive" pathway cater for learners seeking a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter at an advanced level.

The resources available for each pathway have been categorised by seven resource types, which are Lesson Plans, Workbooks and Activity Packs, Performances, Educational Videos, Assessments, Essays and Texts and Playscripts. The resource types available for each Learning Pathway can also be viewed and navigated from the left-hand chaptering list.

Within the resources, you’ll find a variety of materials including workbooks, lesson plans, PDF extracts from longer written resources, video clips as extracts from longer video productions, texts and playscripts, interviews, activity packs, essays and more.

You can mix and match elements to build a bespoke lesson plan that’s engaging and exciting for your learners or, of course, work your way through the Study Unit in its entirety!

Bookmarking and Sharing

Using the Bookmark feature, you can add any of the resources within the Study Unit or the Study Unit itself to your Bookmark list. Using the Share feature, you can quickly get a link to the specific resource or Study Unit, which you can then send on to your students or colleagues, or paste into any Learning Management System your school uses.

As a reminder, your saved Bookmarks can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the platform’s Navigation bar, by hovering on your initials and the downward arrow, and clicking on the “Bookmarks” link in the drop down menu.

Please note that the Bookmarking and Sharing features are not available to users accessing Digital Theatre+ via IP Authentication.

Please see this Support article for further information.

Please contact Customer Support if you’d like to discuss switching to a different sign-in method that supports Bookmarking and Sharing, such as authenticating via SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) or using Username/Password accounts.