How should I cite content on Digital Theatre+?

This article helps you understand how to cite content found on Digital Theatre+, with examples of the citations for different resource types.

Where can I find the information I need to cite a resource?

This information is provided in the ‘About’ and ‘Information’ sections on the resource page, beneath the video player or PDF viewer. For productions, a full list of cast and creatives can be found at the bottom of the production page.

You can also download an up-to-date report of all the content available on the platform by heading to the website footer and clicking ‘content reports’. This will download a zip folder with 3 location-specific TSV files.

Once you open the relevant TSV file in Excel, Google Sheets, or your preferred spreadsheet program, you will have all the information needed to cite the content on DT+. For step-by-step instructions on this process, please refer to the article on downloading content reports.

How do I cite resources found on DT+?

In continuation in this article, you will find a list of examples showing how to cite various types of DT+ resources in the following citation styles:

If you are using resources that are found outside the platform, such as play reviews, please consult the appropriate citation guidelines for those sources, as the guidance below focuses solely on citing materials available directly on DT+. 

Please note: When accessing DT+ through some institutions, the URLs may include proxy-specific elements to enable access through the institution’s network. These modifications can prevent others without similar access from using the URLs, so consider removing them before sharing.


Examples of citing a video of a production on DT+:

Example of citing a video interview on DT+:

Example of citing an e-learning video on DT+:

Examples of citing written resources on DT+:


Examples of citing a video of a production on DT+:

Example of citing a video interview on DT+:

Example of citing an e-learning video on DT+:

Examples of citing written resources on DT+:

Please note: The Harvard citation format has several variations. The examples above demonstrate one approach to using this style.


Examples of citing a video production on DT+:

Example of citing a video interview on DT+:

Example of citing an e-learning video on DT+:

Examples of citing written resources on DT+: